First contact with ATmega8 microcontroller - part 3

Tags: ATmega8, AVR, Gentoo, Linux, Microcontroller, Programming

Now, I’m going to leave the hardware parts alone and start working with the software. At the end of this part, we will have our firmware ready to be written (programmed) into the microcontroller.

Go to: part 1, part 2, part 2.1 (video), part 3, part 4 (video), source-code.

For this part I’m going to write a “Hello, world” software for the ATmega8 microcontroller, which will make 4 LEDs blink.

I’m going to write it in three different ways. I’ve choosen to do so in order to learn more and because I might need one or more of these in future. Update 2008-02-05: I found a fourth way and I’m going to describe it too.

#1: Writing the firmware in C and compiling with avr-gcc

Required software

You should already have at least one text editor installed.

When I talk about avr-gcc, in fact I talk about a couple of packages: avr-binutils, avr-libc, avr-gcc and optionally avr-gdb. To install them on Gentoo/Linux, run these commands (as root):

emerge -av crossdev
crossdev -t avr

Run crossdev without parameters for usage instructions.

Optionally, after above commands, run the following one to add these packages to the world file (/var/lib/portage/world):

emerge --noreplace cross-avr/binutils cross-avr/gcc cross-avr/avr-libc

Optionally, edit /etc/portage/package.keywords and comment out some of the lines added by crossdev script.

Also, you may want to add doc USE flag to avr-libc package at /etc/portage/package.use file (and then read the documentation using avr-man or by looking at /usr/share/doc/avr-libc-1.4.4/).

After all of this, you will have a bunch of avr-* tools installed on your system:

avr-addr2line  avr-cpp        avr-gcov       avr-nm         avr-readelf
avr-ar         avr-gcc        avr-gprof      avr-objcopy    avr-size
avr-as         avr-gcc-4.2.2  avr-ld         avr-objdump    avr-strings
avr-c++filt    avr-gccbug     avr-man        avr-ranlib     avr-strip

They are the AVR version of the standard Unix and GNU/Linux tools. By AVR version I mean that they work on AVR-related files (AVR sources and binaries).

Optionally, you may choose to build avr-gcc with C++ support (disable nocxx USE flag). I really don’t think it is needed, because I think it is not a good idea to use C++ to write programs to a microcontroller and because stdc++ library is not available for the AVR (Wayback Machine).

The C code: hello.c

Just note that there are many ways of doing the same thing. This is how I’ve done it.

You can download this code and the Makefile to compile it at the end of this post.

#include <avr/io.h>        // this contains all the IO port definitions
#include <compat/ina90.h>  // among other things, contains _NOP()

void wait_some_time()
    // Use this to store the counter at SRAM. This will be slower.
    //volatile unsigned short int t = 0;

    // Use this to store the counter inside registers.
    register unsigned short int t = 0;

    while(++t) _NOP();

int main()
    DDRC  = 0x0F;  // PC0..PC3 as output
    PORTC = 0x00;  // all PORTC output pins Off

        PORTC ^= 0x01;
        PORTC ^= 0x02;
        PORTC ^= 0x04;
        PORTC ^= 0x08;
    return 0;

Compiling the C code with avr-gcc

Basically, all you need is:

avr-gcc -mmcu=atmega8 -o hello.elf hello.c

You might want to compile in two phases, generating the .o first and then linking it with the libc:

avr-gcc -c -mmcu=atmega8 -o hello.o hello.c
avr-gcc -mmcu=atmega8 -o hello.elf hello.o

You might also want to add some flags:

  • -std=c99 Makes gcc use C99 standard when compiling C code. Among other things, this allows //-style comments.
  • -pipe Avoids using temporary files and tries to use pipes when passing things from one stage to another. It is a good flag to use anytime you compile anything with GCC.
  • -Wall Enables all warnings. Again, it is a good flag to use whenever you develop things with GCC.
  • -Os Optimizes for size, trying to achieve a faster and smaller code. You may want to try other flags, like -O0 (do not optimize) or -O1 or -O2.
  • -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -fpack-struct -fshort-enums I’m not very sure why these things might be useful, but many people use them when developing for AVR.
  • -Wa,-adhlns=hello.lst GCC will pass this parameter to the assembler. In a nutshell, it will write a hello.lst file containing the generated assembly code. If you compile things in two phases, then this flag should be added to the first one only (when making the .o out of the .c source). Personally, I think this flag is not much useful, because it prints the assembly code before linking with libc and, thus, it is not the final assembly code at the correct positions.

The -mmcu=atmega8 flag is mandatory. Read the GCC documentation (man gcc) to find out all possible values.

If you are on Gentoo, you will notice that above avr-gcc command actually does not work. It fails with the following message:

/usr/libexec/gcc/avr/ld: cannot open linker script file ldscripts/avr4.x: No such file or directory

This is a known bug (bug #147155). Fortunately, there is a very easy workaround. Just add -L/usr/i686-pc-linux-gnu/avr/lib to the command (or to the second command, in case you are compiling in two phases).

Finally, after that, you will end up with a nice hello.elf file. It is already marked as executable (+x bit), but you can’t really run it, because it is an executable for AVR, and not for x86 host (or whatever CPU you are running). In addition, it is not in an appropriate format for passing to the programmer software (avrdude or uisp (Wayback Machine)). So, basically, that file by itself is useless. The trick is to extract and convert portions of that file to the appropriate formats.

To extract the program data (the one which will be written to the flash memory), use one of these commands (both should work, just choose one):

avr-objcopy -R .eeprom -O ihex hello.elf hello.hex
avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -O ihex hello.elf hello.hex

To extract the EEPROM data (which, of course, will be written to the EEPROM memory), use:

avr-objcopy -j .eeprom --change-section-lma .eeprom=0 -O ihex hello.elf hello.eep

I saw someone using the --set-section-flags=.eeprom="alloc,load" flag. I don’t know why it has been used, and I would appreciate if someone could explain it to me.

After these commands, you will have hello.hex and hello.eep, which are the data ready to be written to the microcontroller. These files are saved in Intel Hex format (ihex) (Wayback Machine), which is a format recognized by most programmer software, including avrdude and uisp (Wayback Machine).

For this simple “Hello, world” program, there is no data to be written to EEPROM, and the hello.eep file will be empty (well, almost: there will be a line marking the end of file). Even though we won’t be using EEPROM in this simple project, it is important to know how to use it for future projects.

There is just one more thing you should know: how to get a nice disassembled version of the final firmware. This is very useful to understand the code generated by avr-gcc. To get that, just run this command:

avr-objdump -S hello.elf > hello.lss

You may add the -d flag, but it is not needed, since it is implied by -S.

You might want to add the -C flag, but I haven’t noticed any change when using it.

Finally, you may run avr-objdump -h hello.elf to see what are the sections available inside this ELF file.

#2: Writing the firmware in assembly and compiling with avr-gcc

Required software

You need the exact same environment as the #1. Please refer to the section above for instructions on how to install the required software.

The assembly code: main.S

Notice: please save with .S extension (with upper case “S”).

You can download this code and the Makefile to compile it at the end of this post.

#include <avr/io.h>

.global main
    ldi r17, 0x0F    ; This goes to DDRC
    ldi r16, 0x00    ; This goes to PORTC
    out _SFR_IO_ADDR(DDRC), r17
    out _SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTC), r16
    ldi r17, 1
    ldi r18, 2
    ldi r19, 4
    ldi r20, 8

    rcall wait_some_time
    eor r16, r17
    out _SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTC), r16
    rcall wait_some_time
    eor r16, r18
    out _SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTC), r16
    rcall wait_some_time
    eor r16, r19
    out _SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTC), r16
    rcall wait_some_time
    eor r16, r20
    out _SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTC), r16
    rjmp main_loop

    push r24
    push r25
    ldi r24, 0xFF
    ldi r25, 0xFF
    sbiw r24, 1
    brne wait_some_time_loop
    pop r25
    pop r24

Compiling the assembly code with avr-gcc

Please follow the exact same steps as #1. GCC will automatically detect .S extension as assembler code which must be preprocessed. In case this autodetection fails, you may add -x assembler-with-cpp flag.

All instructions about making an ELF file and then converting portions of it to ihex format (Wayback Machine) are the same. Please refer to above section.

#3: Writing the firmware in assembly and compiling with tavrasm

Required software

This third method of writing firmware for AVR does not use avr-gcc. Instead, it uses tavrasm (Wayback Machine), which is a simple assembler that aims to be compatible with Atmel’s AVR DOS assembler.

tavrasm (Wayback Machine) is very small, simple and easy to use. To install it on Gentoo/Linux, run:

emerge -av tavrasm

The assembly code: hello.asm

You can download this code and the Makefile to compile it at the end of this post.

.device atmega8

.equ    SPH     =0x3E
.equ    SPL     =0x3D
.equ    DDRC    =0x14
.equ    PORTC   =0x15

.cseg    ; Start of code segment
.org 0
    rjmp main

.org 0x26    ; After the reset/interrupt table
    ldi r16, 0x5F    ; Setting up the SP (stack pointer)
    ldi r17, 0x04
    out SPL, r16
    out SPH, r17

    ldi r17, 0x0F    ; This goes to DDRC
    ldi r16, 0x00    ; This goes to PORTC
    out DDRC, r17
    out PORTC, r16
    ldi r17, 1
    ldi r18, 2
    ldi r19, 4
    ldi r20, 8

    rcall wait_some_time
    eor r16, r17
    out PORTC, r16
    rcall wait_some_time
    eor r16, r18
    out PORTC, r16
    rcall wait_some_time
    eor r16, r19
    out PORTC, r16
    rcall wait_some_time
    eor r16, r20
    out PORTC, r16
    rjmp main_loop

    push r24
    push r25
    ldi r24, 0xFF
    ldi r25, 0xFF
    sbiw r24, 1
    brne wait_some_time_loop
    pop r25
    pop r24

Compiling the assembly code with tavrasm

The easiest way:

tavrasm hello.asm -o hello.hex

The complete way:

tavrasm hello.asm -o hello.hex -e hello.lst -r hello.eep

This command will compile hello.asm file into hello.hex (already in Intel Hex format (Wayback Machine)), will save the EEPROM data to hello.eep (also in Intel Hex format (Wayback Machine)) and will save a nice human-readable listing file to hello.lst (containing both the hexadecimal dump and the assembly source).

That’s it. All done. Simple, isn’t it?

#4: Writing the firmware in assembly and compiling with AVRA (new, added in 2008-02-05)

Required software

This fourth method of writing firmware for AVR also does not use avr-gcc. Instead, it uses AVRA (Wayback Machine), which is also an assembler that aims to be compatible with Atmel’s AVR assembler. The README file says it can easily replace AVRASM32 in Atmel AVR Studio.

To install it on Gentoo/Linux, run:

emerge -av avra

The assembly code: hello.asm

It compiles the same code as tavrasm (Wayback Machine). Check the code available at #3.

Compiling the assembly code with AVRA

To tell the truth, I’ve not explored AVRA (Wayback Machine) too much. I’ve just discovered it and I thought it would be important to update this blog post.

You use it in a way similar to tavrasm (Wayback Machine), but with different command-line parameters. Well, just check the README file, ok?

Comparison of the 4 methods

C with avr-gcc


  • Ability to write code in a high-level language (at least when compared to assembly).
  • Access to avr-libc functions.
  • Optional support for software-based floating point math.


  • Less control on generated code.

Assembly with avr-gcc


  • Easy to integrate with C code.
  • Has support for C preprocessor.
  • Access to avr-libc functions (I’m not sure about this, but I believe it is possible).

May be an advantage or disadvantage:

  • Must link against avr-libc, which means that avr-gcc adds its own initialization code and some other stuff.


  • Ugly sintax for in/out instructions. (example: out _SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTC), r16)
  • Not entirely compatible with Atmel’s assembler (and, thus, with lots of code available on the Internet).

Assembly with tavrasm or with AVRA


  • Simple and easy to use.
  • Compatible with Atmel’s assembler.
  • Full control on generated code.


  • Impossible (or at least very difficult) to integrate with avr-gcc or with C.

Download all files used in this post

Update on 2011-08-11: All code for this project is now available at: (future source-code updates, if any, will be posted there)

Download the code from GitHub

The repository contains:

  • atmega8-hello/Makefile.tpl - copied from Electrons - Standardized AVR Makefile Template (Wayback Machine).
  • atmega8-hello/first_hello/hello.c - The C source-code.
  • atmega8-hello/first_hello/Makefile - A Makefile I wrote from scratch (copying some commands from other places from the Internet).
  • atmega8-hello/second_hello/main.S - The avr-gcc assembly source-code.
  • atmega8-hello/second_hello/Makefile - A Makefile based on Makefile.tpl.
  • atmega8-hello/third_hello/hello.asm - The tavrasm assembly source code.
  • atmega8-hello/third_hello/Makefile - A Makefile I wrote from scratch (based on first_hello/Makefile).

Go to: part 1, part 2, part 2.1 (video), part 3, part 4 (video), source-code.