Tip: Pressing the sync button inside the battery cover of the Wii Remote will permanently sync it with the device (either a DolphinBar or a Wii). Pressing 1+2 will sync it temporarily.

  Mode 1A Mode 1B Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4
Mode name Normal Keyboard and Mouse Mode Multimedia Keyboard and Mouse Mode Keyboard and Mouse Game Mode Game Controller Mode Wii Remote Controller Emulator Mode
Simultaneous Wii Remotes 1 1 1 Up to 4 Up to 4
LEDs 1 + 2 1 + 3 1 + 4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4
Combination Home + Down Home + Down Home + Left Home + Up Home + Right
Wii Remote          
IR Camera Mouse movement Mouse movement Mouse movement Extra analog axes Dolphin
Up Stop X/Y or POV Dolphin
Down Play/Pause X/Y or POV Dolphin
Left Previous X/Y or POV Dolphin
Right Next X/Y or POV Dolphin
1 Page up Forward Volume up Button 1 Dolphin
2 Page down Rewind Volume down Button 2 Dolphin
A Mouse right button Mouse right button Mouse left button Button 3 Dolphin
B Mouse left button Mouse left button Mouse right button Button 4 Dolphin
Minus Mouse scroll up Volume down Esc Button 5 Dolphin
Plus Mouse scroll down Volume up Enter Button 6 Dolphin
Home Win key Win key Win key Button 12 Dolphin
Analog stick None None Arrow keys Analog X/Y Dolphin
Z None None Mouse left button Button 7 Dolphin
C None None Mouse right button Button 8 Dolphin
Classic Controller          
y None None None Button 1 Dolphin
x None None None Button 2 Dolphin
b None None None Button 3 Dolphin
a None None None Button 4 Dolphin
L None None None Button 5 Dolphin
R None None None Button 6 Dolphin
ZL None None None Button 7 Dolphin
ZR None None None Button 8 Dolphin
Minus None None None Button 9 Dolphin
Plus None None None Button 10 Dolphin
Home None None None Button 12 Dolphin
D-pad None None None POV Dolphin
Left analog stick None None None Left joystick Dolphin
Right analog stick None None None Right joystick Dolphin

Firmware update mode:

  1. Disconnect the DolphinBar.
  2. Press and hold SYNC on the DolphinBar.
  3. Connect it to the USB, while holding SYNC.
  4. If this is the first time, wait until Windows detects the device and installs its drivers. It may take a couple of minutes.


Cheatsheet built by Denilson Sá, who is not affiliated with MAYFLASH nor with Dolphin emulator.